
Role in Curriculum

The course will prepare students to take 100-level math courses needed for their majors.

Learning Goals and Assessment Plans

Learning GoalAssessment
Solving a system of linear equations in two
variables. (using algebra or graphing)
When the class is being assessed, the common
final exams will include embedded questions to
assess whether the students have sufficiently
mastered the topic-specific learning goals.
Instructors will be responsible for tallying
their students performance on these questions,
and the developmental math coordinator will
provide an overall summary.
Rational expressions and equations. Solving
radical equations. Complex Fractions.
Solving quadratic equations using Completing the
Square and the Quadratic formula
Complex numbers, operations and as solutions in
the quadratic formula

When assessment activities are done, the results will be summarized in memorandum form and filed with the department chairperson for record keeping

Information obtained from assessment will be used to assess and self-reflect on the success of the course and to make any necessary changes to
improve teaching and learning effectiveness.

Last updated Mon May 24 14:48:07 2010